By : admin
June 10th, 2021
The day of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese communities in the world is celebrated on 10 June.
The first reference to the festive character of June 10th is in the year 1880 by a royal decree by D Luís. I declaring ′′ National Feast Day and Grand Gala ′′ to celebrate only that year the 300 years of the hypothetical date of the death of Luís de Camões, June 10, 1580.
A year before the golpe that instituted the military dictatorship in 1926, the I Republic declared that the ′′ Feast of Portugal will be celebrated on June 10 of each year “.
Estado Novo retained the date as the Feast of Portugal, raising it to the national holiday condition in 1929.
The title of Portugal Day would only emerge decades later. And even though no one knows if the poet Luís Vaz de Camões (considered the greatest Portuguese poet) died exactly on this day, democracy continued to celebrate June 10 as a date of national identity.